Thursday, October 18, 2012

Welcome to the Roost!

My name is Jill.

My husband's name is Jon.

We are the J-Birds :-)

This may seem like a strange piece of nomenclature, but it fits us. We were christened the J-Birds when we first began to date--Jon's dad's play on the title of "love birds." And as time went on and our relationship got more serious, the nickname grew into a full-blown extended metaphor. Jon's house became The Roost (the home we moved into last week when we got married), the ranch (Jon's parent's place) became The Aviary, and Jon's dad became either "sparrow hawk" or "The Bird Tender." We paid homage to this nickname at our wedding with some subtle touches (birdcage for the cards, anyone?), and we are now reveling in the fact that we are really, truly married J-Birds, and starting into a whole new adventure.

We got hitched on 10-12-12 (a week ago tomorrow!) and are loving our newly married life. Eight months and two days before that, Jon and I met and started this incredible ride. God has blessed us so richly in these past few months. Neither of us ever imagined that we would find a spouse so incredibly perfect for us.

I have been a writer for years, and never been a terribly successful blogger. Either I get distracted and forget to blog, or I don't feel like I have anything to say. But I have lots of things to say now, with all that's happened in my life the past several months. I want to share those things, and I want to push myself to write on a more regular basis. I'm a high school teacher, and while writing is my first love, teaching and coaching often take up so much time that I don't write regularly. But no longer.

Getting married has been a wonderful time to reflect on life and what's important, as binding myself to my husband was no small decision. As a Christian, I always want to live my life with purpose, and now is a good time to refocus.

So, I think. And I write. And hopefully, it will be interesting to read. To someone. Somewhere.

Welcome to my Roost!

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