Wednesday, October 24, 2012


Husband and I did not live together before we got married. This was a subject of much lip wagging for a while, it seemed--our parents loved it, we loved it, and some of our friends loved it.

A lot of our friends thought we were nuts. They thought we were crazy for not "giving it a try" before tying the knot (which we literally did at our wedding, but that's another post), but both of us felt strongly that we didn't want to half-ass anything when it came to approaching our marriage.

But this is not really my point.

All that really is just to say that I didn't move into Jon's house here in the valley until the week before our wedding. So you might be able to imagine what our house looks like. Since Husband is in his early thirties and I am in my mid-twenties, we each had fairly complete households (though complete in different ways: me, kitchen stuff and decor; Jon, dirt bikes and electronics ;-). So this moving thing has left us in, well, a mess.

And I mean, A MESS.

The basement is piled high with my things--here, there, and everywhere. Mom and Dad moved the majority of my things (THANK YOU!!!) but the bummer thing about having others move your stuff is that you don't move it. Resulting in a scary detachment from knowledge of where-the-heck-your-laundry-bag-of-panties are.

But the thing I am discovering in the midst of the mess:

It doesn't really matter.

It's true! It really doesn't. Now, it does drive me a little nuts, and the OCD part of me is a little crazed at times, but it really doesn't matter. Jon and I are working towards making the mess a little less, but the important thing is that we are doing it together.

Of course, it's probably easier to not let the mess bother me when I (and Jon) are in a heady state of newlywed bliss, but the lesson is one I hope I hang on to.

Don't sweat the small stuff.

It was a common piece of marital advice before we got married, but now I am beginning to see it action.

So, in some ways, I love the mess.

Because I get to be in it with my best friend--my husband :-)


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