Monday, December 17, 2012

A Year of Changes

I'm a terrible blogger.

There, I've said it. I get distracted, forget to write, and then come crawling back. But nevertheless, I am going to continue, because I figure the only way to get better is to press on.

This is me, pressing on.


The last year has been quite a year of changes. I found myself pondering this last night, as Husband and I drove home from my employer's Christmas party. The Christmas party got me thinking about last year's Christmas party, and then that started me off thinking about how different my life is this year compared to last.

I made a list of where I was at when I attended the School District Christmas Party of 2011:

  1. I was the unmarried Miss K,
  2. I was with my lousy then-boyfriend, long-distance,
  3. I lived in a little hovel in Population 635, where I teach,
  4. I was teaching middle and high school English,
  5. My horse was two hours away from me, 
  6. And no one (no one with any power) was interested in my writing.
Considering this list now:

  1. I am now Mrs. M, due to the marriage in October to Husband, 
  2. I dropped the lousy, long-distance boyfriend (obviously),
  3. I moved to a gorgeous little house on the historic QS Ranch in the Owl Mountains, then moved to our little 20 acre Roost when I married Husband,
  4. I only teach High School English now,
  5. My horse is out my back door, 
  6. And there is someone (with some power), interested in my writing. 
In reflecting on all this, I don't have anything really profound to say, other than I am profoundly grateful for all the changes in my life. The Lord has blessed me so richly, in ways I never imaged, and completely amazed me. It seems all it took was trusting him enough to let go of the things I was so desperately clinging to for security, so that he could fill my empty hands with gifts of much greater price. 

It hardly seems real, at times, this life of mine. Of course, there are still struggles, and I still feel anxiety and worry about finances and my job and being a good wife, and if I'll be a good mother when the time comes. But regardless of these silly worries, I know and rest in the contentment that I am living the life I am supposed to, with whom I am meant to be with. 

What a year of changes. 

Thank God for all He's done, and for Husband, who just arrived home with the groceries I needed for dinner ;-)